Preach a Great Commission message challenging the church to evangelize and invite.
Have you ever caught yourself believing apathy will prevail as you are preaching about the Great Commission? If you are like most, you have! wipes away these doldrums forevermore as you preach the same sermon and witness 70% involvement afterwards!
Ken Ham - Answers in Genesis
Give each member five custom invite cards for inviting people to church and directing them to FREE apologetic videos on
Once a church enrolls, trademark license is approved and business sized invitation cards are designed with church information and’s information. This unique card accelerates church invitation by eliminating common evangelism fears, such as, where to begin, the time it could take and what if a question is asked. Also, often over-looked are the fears unbelievers. Obviously, they are entirely more likely to go online to before coming to church to find answers. So an invitation the church and is absolutely invaluable for them!
Josh McDowell - Josh McDowell Ministries
Show the intro video. After the video ask, "How many of you can commit this week to invite someone to church?" Then say, "I'm going to ask you next week if you did."
After preaching a Great Commission message and handing out five cards to each member, the pastor shows the introduction video where they learn to say, “I wanted to invite you to my church and also to this website that can answer your questions.” After the video, the congregation is asked, “How many of you can commit to inviting someone to church this week?” Because the pastor preached the Great Commission message, the cards were handed out, and the video was shown, around 100% should raise their hands! Next the pastor holds the congregation accountable by saying, “I’m going to ask next week if you did.” Do you see how easy this was?
Jonathan Falwell - Thomas Road Baptist Church
Next week ask, “Who invited someone to church?” Watch 70% raise their hands. Then ask, “Who felt blessed?”
Because the church was held accountable, the following week when they come back pastors ask, “Who invited someone to church? You will see 70% of the church raise their hands. Now this moment is capitalized on. The pastor asks, “Out of all of you who handed out a card, how many were blessed by the Holy Spirit?” This is the beginning of a culture of evangelism in the church where every week the members are challenged to hand out five cards. This will result in extreme church growth.
Johnny Hunt - Woodstock Baptist Church
Keep up the momentum! Remind members to hand out cards each week. Once a month repeat the ingredients but replace the Intro Video with a member sharing from the pulpit or on video about how they have used the cards.
Each month start at “Ingredient 1” again, but this time use a monthly video (Shown below) or a testimony from your church for “Ingredient 3.” Also, begin to show the videos to your church during your services, Sunday Schools or looping at the coffee bar. This will help the members understand the great service they are providing to the unbeliever when a card is delivered.
Be on the map! When a pastor enrolls with the Church Finder instantly lists the church on our our map for our website visitors to see. You can check your own zip code to see who is already partnering with us in your area. video directs viewers to use our attractive Church Finder profile where they are easily able to connect with the the pastor to plan their first visit. These profiles are complete with a slide show, service times, about section and much more.
Embed all of TrueLife's video content on your church website. Visitors can build a playlist or browse the videos that most interest them. Also, if your church website is built on Wordpress we have a plugin so you can copy and paste a simple shortcode into your site to install your player!
Partnering churches can download all of's video content for use in a small group setting. We include study guides and leader guides with answer keys that parallel nearly all of the videos.